
If you want all-in-one category lists and things to just work in a set-and-forget type scenario (so automatic/simple/easy) use the lists over at my Filters repo instead.

That repo leverages some of this repo anyway.


This repo contains more broken down indvididual lists which are specific and niche to domains/platforms or for those who want to customize their lists or blocking further.

Various blocklists for ads, telemetry, phishing/scam/malware/bad sh*t and much more.

Source data comes from an array of discovery, detection, aggregation and other work by myself and others.

Commented lines use # or ! (usually to describe what/why where and if applicable). Generally I use # for comments and ! to exclude an entry per line.

Stars and Follows are much appreciated on my repos (thanks)


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Want the Firebog ticklist?



Compiled blocklists here.

Links to my repos on Allowlists, Pi-hole, AdGuardHome and Filters (new!)

My regex specific repo

Wiki Links:

Regex How To

Understanding sub domains and regex formats