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DNS Blocklists & Allowlist/s

Because Ads, Telemetry and some content and/or domains are just out right ** that should be blocked.

Lists are to be used with something alike Pi-Hole, AdGuard, AdGuardHome or similar. These lists may also work in browser based adblockers, but would need to interpret adblock/hosts formats.

This Repo is scheduled to automatically update (and it’s lists) on a schedule regularly.

Leaving a :star: is much appreciated

Help and other info about this repo beyond this README maybe available in the wiki

Use the RAW files linked below this README file in your AdGuard/Adblock solution.


The Lists

| List Type | File | Raw Link | Description | |——–|β€”β€”|β€”β€”β€”-|β€”β€”β€”β€”-| | βœ… | Allowlist | Raw Link | Allow list for common services and sites | | 🚫 | Core list | Raw Link | A Normal blocklist, but without much risk of False positives or things being blocked | | 🚫 | Core Light list | Raw Link | Lighter than the normal blocklist. Much less risk of False positives or things being blocked | | 🚫 | Core Heavy list | Raw Link | Heavy list. More sources aggregated from Ads, Phishing, Telemetry, Threats, Scams, Malware and more. More risk of False positives or things being blocked and needing an allowlist. This also uses my Ads, Security, Threats, Phishing lists. | | 🚫 | Porn list | Raw Link | Blocklist well beyond 1 million entries across several lists for porn | | 🚫 | Security list | Raw Link | Blocklist aggregated from other well-curated lists which do not appear in phishing.txt nor firebog-ticklist.txt as of the time of commit. Covers such as malware/malicious, scam and mining domains | | 🚫 | Phishing list | Raw Link | Blocklist aggregated from other well-curated lists exclusively for phishing | | 🚫 | Threats list | Raw Link | Blocklist aggregated from my own multiple blocklists, anti-phishing/scam/coinminer/malware/bad reputation categories | | 🚫 | Telemetry list | Raw Link | Big custom blocklist for Telemetry via SmartTV, Amazon, Windows, Android, iOS, and additional Firebog telemetry lists | | 🚫 | Advertising list | Raw Link | Blocklist which is some of my own and aggregated popular adlists across Github and other places | | 🚫 | FireBog Ticklist | Raw Link | The blocklists which feature on the Firebog ticklist here | | 🚫 | Restrict-ByPass list | Raw Link | My own curated list with supplement lists aggregated. The Blocklist is to prevent using other DNS or bypass methods like Tor, proxy, Apple Relay, etc. | | 🚫 | Restrict-ByPass User_Child list | Raw Link | My own curated list with supplement lists aggregated. This differs from restrict-bypass.txt to add user_child to the end of domains. This is a feature in AdGuardHome where you tag devices accordingly with this. The overall list of domains is the same as restrict-bypass.txt. Blocklist is to prevent using other DNS or bypass methods like Tor, proxy, Apple Relay, etc. | | 🚫 | NRDs list | Raw Link | Blocklist aggregated from Newly Registered Domains lists. These are NRDs registered in the last 30 days. | | 🚫 | No Social Media list | Raw Link | Blocklist aggregated of known domains of social media. This covers Facebook, Insta, Snapchat, TikTok and more. | | 🚫 | No Social Media list User_Child list | Raw Link | Blocklist aggregated of known domains of social media. This covers Facebook, Insta, Snapchat, TikTok and more. This differs from no-social-media.txt to add user_child to the end of domains. This is a feature in AdGuardHome where you tag devices accordingly with this. The overall list of domains is the same as no-social-media.txt | β€”-